An ‘Affordable’ College Degree Now Means No Debt: Parents

An ‘Affordable’ College Degree Now Means No Debt: Parents

Americans, including parents, are increasingly cautious about the burden of student loans when it comes to financing college education. In today’s landscape, an affordable college degree is one that ensures students do not accrue any student loan debt.

In a recent survey conducted by the consulting firm EAB, over half of the parents interviewed associated affordability with graduating without any debt obligations. This sentiment reflects a growing concern among both parents and students when it comes to the financial implications of pursuing higher education.

Cost is undeniably the primary worry for families considering college education, with the rising expenses adding to the existing concerns. A recent report highlights that the cost of college education has been a significant stressor for families, influencing their views on the value of a college degree.

Shifting Perspectives on College Degrees

Research findings indicate a heightened focus on the escalating costs of college education. Recent reports showcase a surge in the number of students contemplating dropping out due to financial pressures, with a notable percentage opting to leave higher education due to financial strains.

While there has been a slight moderation in the cost of degrees since the onset of the pandemic, overall college expenses have surged significantly over the past two decades. Data analysis reveals a substantial 30% increase in the inflation-adjusted cost of a bachelor’s degree, with the total cost surpassing $123,000.

The inflated costs have prompted individuals to question the value of a college education in the current scenario. Studies have shown that opinions on the worth of college education vary based on the involvement of student loans, with a considerable percentage of individuals finding college worth the investment only if it is debt-free.

In reality, a majority of college students graduate with some level of student debt. Reports indicate that around 70% of bachelor’s degree holders have student loans. Moreover, the financial burden often extends to parents, with many opting for federal Parent PLUS loans to support their children’s education, leading to an increase in overall indebtedness.

As experts in financial solutions, we understand the complexities surrounding college financing. At, we specialize in providing tailored loan options to assist individuals in navigating the challenges of educational expenses. Our expertise and commitment to financial well-being make us the ideal partner in securing your financial future.

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