Where to Hide Spare Keys

A set of spare keys can be a lifesaver when you’re away from home for extended periods or planning a vacation. It also provides an extra layer of security in case you misplace your primary set of keys. However, finding the perfect hiding spot for your spare keys can be a delicate balance between being too obvious and too obscure.

Let’s delve into some expert tips on how and where to securely hide your spare keys. Along with this, it’s essential to consider home security measures like smart locks that can render your spare key unnecessary.

Do’s and Don’ts When Hiding Spare Keys

When it comes to safeguarding your home, there’s no such thing as being too cautious. While keeping a spare key on your porch can be convenient, it’s crucial to hide it in a secure manner. Here are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind:

Don’t hide a key under your doormat

Hiding a key under the doormat or a potted plant is a common mistake. Avoid this clichéd spot as it’s one of the first places burglars check. Opt for more creative and secure locations unique to your home.

Do hide keys in unusual places

For optimal security, think outside the box. Hide your key in innovative spots that only you would think of, making it unlikely for intruders to find. For instance, hiding a key under a specific loose brick known only to you can be effective.

Don’t hide your key inside your mailbox

While taping a key inside your mailbox may seem convenient, it’s a risky move. Mailboxes are easily accessible and keys placed there can fall out or be taken. Avoid this common hiding spot for enhanced security.

Do tape your key to the top inside your mailbox

For a mailbox hiding alternative, consider taping your key to the top inside the mailbox. This keeps the key discreet yet accessible to those aware of its location. You can apply this technique to other outdoor boxes like your breaker box.

Don’t leave without informing someone

Before leaving for an extended period, inform a trusted neighbor or family member. This not only ensures your home is looked after but also gives you the option of leaving your spare key with them, eliminating the need for elaborate hiding spots.

Do hide a key in plain sight

Hiding a key in a realistic fake rock amongst other rocks in your yard can be a clever tactic. Camouflaging the key effectively makes it harder for intruders to locate and also makes their search look suspicious, possibly deterring them. Opt for inconspicuous hiding spots for heightened security.

By following these expert tips, you can ensure your spare keys remain secure and easily accessible when needed. Remember, the key to effective key hiding is creativity and discretion to outsmart potential intruders.

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